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The Art to Express

I believe that life is for expression of ourselves.

Now, ourselves the way I see it has many different layers and different parts. I would call our most superficial and personality self as ourselves with small letter o, and Ourselves as our deepest and truest part of ourselves. You’ll understand when I explain it in a second.

So from my experience and many readings I have done, we have in psychology what we call our ego self, or our personality self, this identity we have in this lifetime. For example, in my case - this identity of me Inggrid Wardani, identity as a daughter, chinese Indonesian, 30s, dancer, single, smart, stubborn, brave, likes adventure, extrovert etc. In another word, these are actually more correct if called Experiences. And these are also the superficial layer of us, which in human society known as personality.

It is more correctly called as Experiences, because our truest deepest part of ourselves, is our soul (some people call it Spirit, but in my perspective - soul is our small part of Ourselves of the bigger picture, Spirit is like the bigger picture which is the whole Universe. ) For me, the soul is a point of view or perspective of the bigger picture, which is The One Truth, The Whole Universe, that Oneness, or some people call it God. So this Ourselves, is the God or the perspective of a small part of God that expresses itself through this body on this Earth at this lifetime. Through words, mind, body shape and movement, music, all the ways humans express itself.

And yes, all that Ourselves express is Love. Everything else is personality.

And that play of sometimes ourselves or Ourselves expresses through us - This is the Art to Express ourselves and Ourselves.


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