Why we need to embrace errors and just start.
Remember when we stayed up all night in college because it was fun—not because you’re worried about the future?
It is so easy to live our lives in an autopilot mode when everything is easy but to love lives when the sh*t gets real: the real challenge is to let go. Let go of the need to control what is external to you and therefore out of your control. Remind yourself instead that this is where it all begins: everything starts again, today.
Let Go of Control
Let go of the need to control what is external to you and therefore out of your control. Remind yourself instead that this is where it all begins: everything starts again, today.
Today. It’s okay to not have all of the answers. It’s okay to not have your life figured out all at once. As long as you’re compassionately encourage yourself every day towards the person you want to become, you’re doing it right.
Today. It’s okay to not have all of the answers. It’s okay to not have your life figured out all at once.
Today is all we have. Start to give yourself a break and just start. Write. Design your dreams. Go out there with your passion and your electric typewriter or a MY PATH in your hand. Work hard at something. Tell the people you love how much you love them.
And then there will be days when you wake up and everything is perfect. But you have to start today.